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Gender Bias in Selection Processes

Achieving a selection process that is free of bias (such as gender bias) is not only a just objective for all types of employers and recruiters, it is also the smart thing to do. Unbiased recruiting allows companies, organizations, etc. to access a diverse and complete pool of talents, without excluding anyone. With this in mind, Geneus’ partners have finalized their statistically-tested gender neutral tools and test for selection processes, and their guide and sets of application for SMEs, PSPEs and Pas will soon be made public and accessible for free.

The project is approaching the finish line, and the partners have met on July 9th and 10th 2019 in Innsbruck, Austria, hosted by the project coordinator: Frauen Im Brennpunkt (FIB). The meeting was characterized by the partners’ open and constructive attitude, which allowed for fruitful conversations concerning the finalization and publication of the project’s intellectual outputs and on the organization of the upcoming multiplier events, which will be a golden opportunity to involve stakeholders locally in all partner countries and encourage the use of free and accessible tools and test for an effective and unbiased recruitment processes.

Geneus will contribute to creating a new type of bias-free and effective recruitment, and a new generation of recruiters who will be aware of bias and its consequences.

Stay tuned for more information about the project’s intellectual outputs and multiplier events in Austria, Bulgaria, Italy, Portugal and Spain!

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