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"GeNeus" Project

The project

The latest neuropsychological science research proves that women have different intellectual strengths (e.g. planning of actions, social competences, conflict solving), than men (more mathematical and virtual strengths). At the same time most of the tests and evaluations carried out by universities, employment agencies, schools and s.o. are based on parameters which are much more favorable for male applicants.

The project GeNeus – Gender Neutral Tools and Test for Selection Processes – aims at the development, promotion and mainstreaming of a Set of Gender Neutral Selection Tools and Test.

Using gender Neutral Selection Tools and Test when accessing jobs and education can increase gender neutrality and – at the same time – would reduce the dropout rate and improve the succeeding rate for women in recruitment and selection processes, thus contributing to equal educational and professional opportunities for men and women.

Along the project:
  • To get an overview of the reality, demands and gaps of the selection processes in different environments
  • To assess and analyse these processes, in a gender-neutral perspective
  • To produce and deliver useful and free tools and test and the instructions for their usage, guaranteeing a gender-neutral approach.
At long-term:
  • To contribute to equal opportunities of both genders in educational and professional access to jobs and education
The outputs of the project will be the following, creating a sustainability of the project and engaging different areas and stakeholders:

  • Generic report on national testing processes: information on how SMEs, Public Administration and Post-Secondary Professional Education deal with selection processes and testing system in Austria, Bulgaria, Italy, Portugal and Spain. - Download the report
  • Set of Gender Neutral Selection Tools and Test - Download the report
  • Guide on Implementation of Selection Tools and Test - Download the report
  • Set of Application of Gender Neutral Selection Tools and Test for SMEs - Download the report
  • Set of Application of Gender Neutral Selection Tools and Test for Public Administration - Download the report
  • Set of Application of Gender Neutral Selection Tools and Test for Post-Secondary Professional Education - Download the report

Tools developed by the project, booklets for easier use:
Target groups
  • HR professionals, schools at secondary level, professional consultancies, Recruitment and assessment agencies, Woman NGOs, VET training centres, Employers – organizations and people who apply performance diagnostics (test procedures), and decision makers in these organisations
  • Public employment centers or related services as their measures influence very much national professional agendas, and decision makers in these organisations
  • Post-secondary and professional education institutes, job orientation centers regarding study choice at high school and university level, and decision makers in these organisations
  • Decision makers in public administration and organisations who are working with tests

  • Frauen im Brennpunkt (Австрия, координатор на проекта);
  • Бимек ООД (България);
  • Inovamais (Португалия);
  • Servicio Regional de Empleo y Formacion de la Region de Murcia (Испания);
  • Instituto Politecnico do Porto (Португалия);
  • Centro per lo Sviluppo Creativo Danilo Dolci (Италия).
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