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GeNeus: Reducing Gender inequalities in Selection Processes

A goal of social protection systems and social inclusion policies is that they promote equality between women and men.

According to Eurostat data, across the EU-28, the proportion of men of working age in the employment exceeded than women by 11.6%.

On the 7th and 8th November, the first meeting of the project GeNeus – Gender Neutral Tools and Test for Selection Processes – was held in Sofia (Bulgaria) attended by partners from Portugal, Italy, Austria, Spain and Bulgaria.

The project aims at the developing, promoting and mainstreaming a set of Gender Neutral Selection Tools and Test.

These tools and test will improve equal opportunities of both genders in educational and professional access to jobs and education. Specifically, these tools and tests, and the instruction for their usage will be available for free and so many organisations will have access.

The project will aim mostly to 4 specific target groups:

  • VET training centres, HR professionals, schools at secondary level, professional consultancies, Recruitment and assessment agencies, Woman NGOs, Employers
  • Public employment centers or related services
  • Job orientation centers regarding study choice at high school and university level
  • Decision makers in public administration and organisations who are working with tests
To achieve the projects goal, partners will develop:

  • A Generic report on national testing processes
  • A Set of selection tools and a gender-neutral test which can be implemented in different areas of selection (job access and education access)
  • A Handbook with guidelines on how to implement and conduct above mentioned tools and test in the right way
  • Gender Neutral Testing Application for SMEs
  • Gender Neutral Testing Application for Public Administration
  • Gender Neutral Testing Application for Job orientation centres regarding study choice at high school and university level and VET training centres, and training companie
This innovative project could be amazingly impactive on women’s life helping them:

  • in reducing the drop out;
  • improving their succeeding rate in testings;
  • performance, contributing to equal educational and professional opportunities for men and women.
GENEUS project has a duration of 24 months and it is funded by Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training.

The partnership is composed by 6 organisations:
  • Frauen im Brennpunkt (Austria, Coordinator);
  • Bimec Ltd. (Bulgaria);
  • Inova+ (Portugal);
  • Servicio Regional de Empleo y Formacion de la Region de Murcia (Spain);
  • Instituto Politecnico do Porto (Portugal);
  • Centro per lo Sviluppo Creativo Danilo Dolci (Italy).
For further information, please contact

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