The partners of the project: "Universal model of professional course for new age child carers dedicated for women aged 50-64 years", financed by the Erasmus+ Programme gathered in Sofia on 4th and 5th of May 2017 to share and discuss the following topics:
- statistics and situation of 50+ women on the market;
- law regulations on becoming professional child carer;
- good practices in job activation and motivation of women 50+.
The partners presented information about statistics and the situation of 50+ women on the labor market. The partners had chosen different approaches towards statistics that were presented. Some of the partners, like ProActive, Ireland and Bimec, Bulgaria focused on the narrow target group of women 50+, for which unfortunately there is not so much available statistics. Other partners made a broader review of the labor market. The different approaches were regarded by the partnership as diversity and a choice of ideas. The statistics will be published in the final project Brochure.
The partners also presented the law regulations in their countries on becoming professional child carer. In summary the law regulation of the nanny profession is quite diverse:
starting from this being a profession with strict requirements about training and qualification (like in Ireland);
mixed regulation like in Czech Republic where if you work as a nanny full time it is regulated and if you work part time it is not regulated;
and for example Bulgaria where no formal qualification is required for the profession.
Good practices in job activation and motivation of women 50+ were also presented.
- Bimec – with the support of guests from Generations NGO presented the project “Senior Social Entrepreneuring - Building capacity among seniors to serve as social change brokers in communities”
- COOSS presented:
- IGTRAIN (Intergenerational training on the worklplace) project experience.
- ProActive presented the project Activate Inactive.
- Mamaloca presented good practices implemented by their own organization: volunteering in the public bakery, IT training and others.
- The Govenment Office for Bekes County introduced the results of the 1.1.2 social renewal operational programme projec.
- VLO presented the Colb Learning Cycle, which can be used as a basis for developing the child carer course.
The good practices and the law regulation information will also be included in the final project brochre.
Meanwhile the project website is already functioning, where you can follow the project development more closely.
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