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SOCS Project – Village of Virtues

Bimec is proud to announce that we have finished the pilot testing of the SOCS project tool for Conflict Interventions and Efficient Communications. The tool is called Village of Virtues and is designed to be used in business environment. A coach (or an HR company expert) works with max. two business representatives on the definition of a conflict situation they are facing and on finding a solution for improvement.

Village of Virtues uses symbols in order to provide people with an additional language to solve the conflict or miscommunication. In this context, symbols work as a facilitator; furthermore, they transmit information one cannot or does not want to share or to be mindful about.

The tool involves building your own village of virtues as well the village of virtues of the person you are having a conflict with, planting in the both villages’ gardens the plants symbolizing emotions that you are facing in the conflict and trying to find with the help of symbols the appropriate steps to handle the situation.

Village of Virtues is designed using theoretical base and practical resources from Positive Psychology. It aims at helping the client to take a look from a different perspective on the conflict he/she is facing. There are 2 main goals of the tool: a) to provide an opportunity to the client to see a more humane side of the other party in the conflict and potentially find some similarities or at least things to respect in them; b) to formulate a solution that can help him / her improve the situation.

The tool will be soon available with instructions how to use it on premise as well as with its online version to use. You will be able to find it on the project website:

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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