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Testing of job or training candidates

Have you ever been to a job test? Do you think a test can help you get an objective and honest assessment of your abilities? We in the GeNeus project have embarked on the ambitious task of developing performance tests that are gender neutral Using such tests to gain education or work can improve the chances and at the same time significantly reduce the drop-out rate, improve performance, provide a more accurate diagnosis of effectiveness, thus contributing to equal opportunities for education and professional development of men and women.

The project is at a stage where the tests have been developed, but in order to be standardized, a sufficient number of people with different education and professional status are required to do them. We would be grateful if you could help and complete the following tests, depending on your status:

- If you work:

- If you are still learning:

- If you are unemployed:

If you want to access the tools developed by the project when they are ready, you can share your contact details with us at: and we have the responsibility to send them to you.

Thank you!

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